Tuesday, 27 December 2011


Just a spot of forestry. 
Overeating at christmas and turning into a giant has its benefits.

Friday, 23 December 2011

the other

Working on a project that involves 'the other', metaphors, techno-productivist questioning and more things that would betray the simplicity of this blog.

In the mean time, I drew and cut

and saw this on the underground

victorian weaver hands

Welcome to my desk. Stretch out those arms and let's get started..

hm not quite





falling off track...



Time Out

Coffee break to enjoy mother natures incredible spectacle, the picnic bench pods morning ritual. Back to it...


Get in there!

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Moon Coat Activator DX5

Hello happy faces!

Have you done your sunday morning stretches? 
Because we - Field Slam Productions 2011 - have!

Let me entice you curious souls with the Moon Coat Activator DX5. 

Above it's posed with its little brother the DX3. But what does it do? 
Originally designed to set up an instant moon base for retired philosophers....

...the Moon Coat Activator DX5 works by first climbing upon a tall structure then pointing your finger (as demonstrated by our Star Model). Point that finger long enough...

and the accidentally designed patented technology goes to work, stretching itself downwards into a new superstructure!

Our technology is so cutting edge it ran into some problems. You see, being so Space Age, it dislikes the Earth. 

It stubbornly refused to clad all the way to the ground.

And so, like a small child stuck up a tree, our special team of councillors are in the process of talking it down. 
We have offered it warm blankets and a bowl of soup (organic, made with real soup).

We'll let you know how it goes, we have our space dusted socks crossed.

Saturday, 19 November 2011


An empty island

welcomes the tide.

But soldiers emerge in formation

Deployed with purpose, they plot the land.

And forget the sea

that washes

and freezes over them.

Will they be forgotten too?

Not tonight

For they resurface with belly aches.

And lace themselves to what they know - memories and formations

But not tonight :)

Friday, 30 September 2011

History avec french

Bonjour mes petits voyous et bienvenue á l'édition bilingue de wrestlingcakelettes!

- Hello and let's make a forever high five on wrestlingcakelettes!

Au début du 16éme siècle, les gens ont construit des appartement minuscules.

- I built this house 500 years ago and I couldn't get inside

Il y avait un manque de crèmes pour le visage et les hydratants.

- When I finally lost enough weight, I crept inside and saw these strange men

Moi, j'aime l'histoire

- The men were strange but the women were generous

En l'absence de femmes, les hommes deviennent très concentrés

- No matter what time in history, nerdy men will always beat nerdy women

Ce n'est pas une pipe

- Just what is it you think you're drinking?

Alors, l'invention de la roue crée un chômage élevé pour les ânes. C'est pourquoi les ânes semblent tristes quand ils voient des roues.

- Back in the day, this man was driven around the village as an example not to take drugs.

La Grande Révolution a commencé parce que le peuple ont été interdits de peeing dan des coins.

- When I escaped the tiny house, I wanted to pee but saw this barrier

Les Dieux étaient fâchés et ont envoyé en bas des archers. Malheureusement, ils n'avaient aucune corde pour leurs arcs. Si frustrant!

- Filled with anger I built this sculpture to symbolise my frustration and presented it to the french peoples.

Valkyries a été envoyé en place et meme portraits des vêtements á la difference des archers.

- The french peoples tried to seduce me with their women. They won.

L'événement a été célébré dans ce relief.

- The artists impression of the scene. They depicted me fleeing like a girl. Let history be corrected, I flee like a man!

Le fin.

- Roll credits.