Wednesday, 23 February 2011

still on my knees

Nearly clean? Oh, there's always more... ...but here's the profile (it only has "one look" until I clean the rest up)

Below is the initial concept. See the way I withheld it to not ruin any surprises? It's also a nice way to sidestep any expectations should you screw up.

Monday, 21 February 2011

Scrubbing like a 19th Century maid

So now most of the bending's done, it was time to remove the shelfmax from it's form.

Not so easy.

Being gung-ho with the PVA meant I had to chisel and pry apart the shelfmax. This meant I ended up with a ripped up poster board finish, smooth huh? (image below was taken after doing some cleaning up. It really was a royal mess)

Scrubbing like a 19th century maid, it's starting to get there.

Notice on the right, there's some sweet blotches? This is because I'm an impatient fool and used a scraper. Note to self, don't use a scraper on your finishing surface.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

wheelie good

Look what arrived today, what a beauty!

and it's in imperial!

I didn't want it in imperial!
Online order, take 2!

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Monday, 14 February 2011

Wednesday, 9 February 2011