To bake something the size of your garden, you're gonna need a lot of ingredients. Sounds like a lot of work right? Wrong
We here at Team Spiritual High Five utilise a technique that marries erect spine posture with witchcraft.
The barrows are imbued with our spiritual energy (trained through a daily regime of disco, non contact karate and atmospheric vocal harmonisation).
The spiritual energy is so intense that the barrows whizz along collecting wet concrete from building suppliers across the UK depositing it in our trench. That's the concrete done!
After a morning of intense disco and rice, it's time to tackle the oversite. By focussing our mental powers (and erect postures), we increased the size of the barrow.
Of course, having a strong body with a strong mind is essential to our advanced building techniques.
That's why I had my new set of weights delivered.
You might think with our pure minds, pure bodies and the power of disco we're above peeing on the site. Wrong. Besides, as a rule I never flush.
Oh, these are the stakes we throw at people in the street to practice our non contact karate!! We never get hit!
Look closer
hiya freunde!