Friday, 30 September 2011

History avec french

Bonjour mes petits voyous et bienvenue á l'édition bilingue de wrestlingcakelettes!

- Hello and let's make a forever high five on wrestlingcakelettes!

Au début du 16éme siècle, les gens ont construit des appartement minuscules.

- I built this house 500 years ago and I couldn't get inside

Il y avait un manque de crèmes pour le visage et les hydratants.

- When I finally lost enough weight, I crept inside and saw these strange men

Moi, j'aime l'histoire

- The men were strange but the women were generous

En l'absence de femmes, les hommes deviennent très concentrés

- No matter what time in history, nerdy men will always beat nerdy women

Ce n'est pas une pipe

- Just what is it you think you're drinking?

Alors, l'invention de la roue crée un chômage élevé pour les ânes. C'est pourquoi les ânes semblent tristes quand ils voient des roues.

- Back in the day, this man was driven around the village as an example not to take drugs.

La Grande Révolution a commencé parce que le peuple ont été interdits de peeing dan des coins.

- When I escaped the tiny house, I wanted to pee but saw this barrier

Les Dieux étaient fâchés et ont envoyé en bas des archers. Malheureusement, ils n'avaient aucune corde pour leurs arcs. Si frustrant!

- Filled with anger I built this sculpture to symbolise my frustration and presented it to the french peoples.

Valkyries a été envoyé en place et meme portraits des vêtements á la difference des archers.

- The french peoples tried to seduce me with their women. They won.

L'événement a été célébré dans ce relief.

- The artists impression of the scene. They depicted me fleeing like a girl. Let history be corrected, I flee like a man!

Le fin.

- Roll credits.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Keeping you warm

Hi Blogfriends!

We here at Spiritual Productions get a lot of requests asking us how to install insulation like an expert.

Well, here's how we do it!

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

paper money

As a member of Ground Confusion Studio, we appreciate a design that is made as complex as possible.
It's only purpose is to charge you for an item but it loves making you guess where and how to operate it. Sophisticated and mysterious, I wanna give it babies.


 Our constructions are extremely hungry. 

When you think she's had enough

she wants more

and more.

Still she keeps eating. She says she's preparing for winter.
"Winter for 2?", we say
then flee like escaped children!

Sunday, 4 September 2011

clap trap

Hi blogfreunds!

My colleague asked what the wet patch was. I told him it was the local cats, the locals suffered the same problem. 
"such a nuisance!", i said. 
I didn't have the courage to tell him I thought the toilet was 1 storey too far.

After putting the tarp back on, I needed to go again though. Too late!

On a hot summer's day, the local towns people complained of the strange odour. Unfortunately for us, the membrane is made out of dinosaur skin, that makes it impenetrable. We pleaded to the prince for help. 

He gave us the queen's needle and the towns folk rejoiced.

So thankful were we to the prince, we built him some chair legs. In his wisdom however, he advised we use them to avoid our past mistakes. "Build a cat trap", he said

And thus we did. Cats like to play with string. When they see the string they'll jump towards it and the floor will fall. That prince can be so mean but the prince assured us cats always land on their feet. They're practically suicide proof.

Where there's cheese, there's mice! That's what cats think, so we built a cheese floor to hide the trap door.

Tidy the joins

and a picnic blanket. Who can resist a picnic, right?

Hope you're all well rested, cause there's loads more work this week. I'm kidding!

I'm not :D

God bless your sleep socks