Tuesday, 24 December 2013


holm = island

Stockholm = Island of Stock

Navigating by street names may be tricky but I believe my map has a faithful je ne sais quoi, as the situationists would say.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Being on a train is a microcosm of the private/public blur. Not only is the carriage leaking out business and living room phone calls but it's being instagrammed, emailed and tweeted from - a carriage of documention. I looked down the aisle once to see a guy sat with his smartphone square in my direction. I don't think he was taking photos, but the psychological panopticon effect had already snapped my posture into david bowie's "Heroes" pose (in reality, I hopped on to the next seat. Away from the line of sight and my rock star photo shoot).

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Catenary Curves

Perhaps I posted something about catenaries before?? But I've never found a more concise video than this. Do not be freaked out by the maths, allow the hidden descriptions of your environment be explained by one James Grime. Let the chains of understanding (yes, permission to shoot me granted) free you from the cold winter morning.